Monday 20th January 2025

Fingers Crossed For Prospect Pool


Prospect Pool in Altoona now looks to be open this summer, despite a lot of problems that have… until now… threatened that objective. A full slate of 12 lifeguards has been lined up by the Central Blair Recreation & Park Commission so that hurdle has been covered. One big issue still standing in the way is the filtration system. Workers will try to start the pump either today or Monday, and if it is operational, then the pool will most likely be able to open for the season. But the pump is old and the filtration system needs work… work that could cost a lot of money, so everyone is holding their breath at this point. They began filling the pool with water Thursday afternoon, and the filtration system can’t be checked out until there is enough water in the pool to try to start it up. Until that happens, they say ‘keep your fingers crossed.’ If it all works this year, upgrades are still needed to ensure the pool’s future.
