Monday 20th January 2025

Provisional Ballots Being Counted


There were more than 45 provisional ballots cast in Blair County on Tuesday, and the Blair County Elections Board said yesterday, that 45 of them will count. However, some or all of the votes cast on 9 provisional ballots were rejected, including three which lacked the required voter signature. Those 3 were completed by voters who had ballots mailed to them, but then showed up at their precincts to vote. Offiicals say if they had taken their mailed ballot into the voting precinct according to the law, they would have been allowed to cast a regular ballot, but failure to follow the rules associated with completing provisional ballots can cause the loss of the right to vote. According to elections officials, whenever a provisional ballot is cast, there is always going to be some risk that a mistake is made. If you value your vote, the best way to protect it is to show up at the poll and cast it there. For the latest updated election results, visit
