Friday 31st January 2025



Pennsylvania hunting licenses for the 2021-22 hunting year went on sale last week, and that means it’s time to start thinking about doe tags. The process is different this year, thanks to a change in the per-hunter tag limit. Prior to this year, an individual hunter could apply for and receive no more than three antlerless deer licenses anywhere in the state outside the Special Regulations Area wildlife management units. In those units, a hunter could hold an unlimited number of licenses in addition to the three allowed for the rest of the state. Now we come to 2021 and the new tags-rule has changed. First, the rules for applying for tags and per-hunter tag limits now apply statewide. There is no exception for the Special Regulations Areas. A hunter can now hold up to six tags at one time, provided he can get them. As that hunter fills a tag during hunting season, he can then go to a county treasurer’s office and replace it in those units where tags still remain. The first round of antlerless license sales will begin July 12 for Pennsylvania residents. Nonresidents can begin applying July 19. The second round of sales begins for everyone on Aug.2 and the third round begins Aug. 16.
