Monday 10th March 2025



The trial of former Bellwood-Antis School District wrestling coach Ryan Blazier of Altoona, who is accused of sexually assaulting two student wrestlers, is now set to begin on August 30th in Blair County Court. On Monday, twelve jurors and six alternates were selected to hear the criminal charges pending against the 41 year old Blazier, which were filed by state police based on the allegations of two 13-year-old boys who accused Blazier of sexually assaulting them at the middle school in 2019 or early 2020. Blazier is contesting the charges. State police arrested Blazier in late February 2020, sparking additional controversy when parents questioned the actions or lack of actions by district personnel. Those allegations are now also the basis of two civil court cases that are now pending against the school district. Judge Daniel J. Milliron told the jurors that he believes Blazier’s trial can be completed in four days, but some of the attorneys involved say they believe it could take longer. Among the witnesses are the young victims, who may be permitted to testify via video transmission from outside the courtroom.
