President Judge Elizabeth Doyle, court liaison County Commissioner Laura Burke, and Sheriff Jim Ott announce that beginning Wednesday, people coming to Blair County Central Court at 615 4th St., Altoona for preliminary hearings will be searched and magnetically wanded upon entry, to detect and exclude weapons or items that can be used as weapons. Any weapons or contraband detected during the search shall be seized or destroyed and the carrier subject to arrest and criminal prosecution. Anyone possessing a valid permit to carry concealed weapons will be able to store their firearm in a secured locker until the conclusion of their court attendance. The public is advised to leave their large purses, backpacks, and other large personal items at home or in their car because search of these items will delay their entry into court. Security at Central Court will continue to be provided by a combination of Pennsylvania State Constables, Blair County Sheriff’s Deputies, Corrections Officers from the Blair County Prison, and law enforcement assigned to each case.