Friday 31st January 2025

1 vs 9 For Governors Mansion


The Altoona Mirror reports today on the 10 candidates lining up for a shot at taking the job from gov tom wolf, who is set to leave office at the end of the year. 1 Democrat, Josh Shapiro will take on 9 apparent Republican challengers including Lou Barletta, Joe Gale, Melissa Hart, Charlie Gerow, Doug Mastriano, Bill McSwain, Jake Corman, Dave White, and Nche Zama. The field of 9 republicans still has no front runner for the job, and many feel that gives Shapiro a leg up to win the November election. The primary is set for May 17th in Pennsylvania. Voters feel that abortion rights and election laws will be two of the main issues during the campaign, no matter who wins the primary.
