Thursday 6th February 2025

Spring Cove Property Tax Hike


According to the Altoona Mirror, the school board has introduced its 22-23 school spending plan, and with it comes a 2% property tax hike. Homes valued at the median assessed value of $141,600 wold see a tax increase of $31.23 annually if the rate increase is approved. Millage rates would rise to 11.25 up from the current 11.02 mills. The additional revenue would total a little more than $205,000 in the new budget. The proposed budget comes in at just under $30 million, with revenues expected to be $26.3 million. Salaries and benefits take up %62 percent of the proposed budget. The revenues and expenditures will continue to change as the budget process moves forward. Official presentation of the budget is slated for next Monday.
