Thursday 30th January 2025

Claysburg school board approves budget, tax hike included


The Altoona Mirror reports that the Claysburg Kimmel school board has approved the 23-24 spending plan, and with it comes a 3% tax increase for property owners. The increase means that the average homeowner will have to pay $23 more in 23-24, which will generate an additional $93,000 in revenue from folks in Kimmel and Greenfield townships. After the vote, board members said that even with the tax hike, Claysburg will still come out with a surplus of nearly $122,000. The board also approved more than $416,000 worth of change orders to the districts ongoing athletic projects. Also, the district hired McCailey Flaugh as the new band director and will be paid $25 per hour to work with students during school days, and will be given a $3000 stipend.
