Friday 31st January 2025

Alyssa Hankey – “Wild One”


For our latest “Local Song of the Week,” we shine the spotlight on western PA-based singer, songwriter and troubadour Alyssa Hankey and her song “Wild One.” You can find the studio version of this song on Alyssa’s latest album, “Northerner.” Alyssa sings songs about her upbringing in the western PA rust belt, and her yearnings to hit the road, explore the frontiers beyond her home base, and share her music. Watch for Alyssa’s shows in the central PA area – she’s a frequent flyer at venues such as Molly’s Pub in Altoona, Juniata Brewing Company and Stone Town Tavern in Huntingdon, Coal Country Brewing in Ebensburg, Bella Terra Vineyards in Bedford and other locations!
