Thursday 13th March 2025

Backyard Beats Listing 1/12/24: Live Music Weathers the Storms!

Here is a listing of area live music and online music happenings for the weekend and week of Friday, January 12 through Thursday, January 18.

Winter season has brought its weather fury to the area in recent days, and wintry precipitation and colder temperatures are forecast to arrive this weekend. But live music continues to happen on area stages – escape your cabin fever and take in a show or two this weekend, weather permitting. (And this time of year, check ahead to be sure scheduled shows are still happening, especially if wintry precipitation is falling.)



(Listings in chronological order by event start time.)


FRIDAY 1/12:


Eric Delozier at Olde Bedford Brewing Co., Bedford (starts 6 p.m.)

Chris Diehl at Bella Terra Vineyards, Bedford (starts 6 p.m.)

Chris Strait & Dylan Miller at Stone Town Tavern, Huntingdon (starts 6 p.m.)

The Moonshiners “Lite” Trio at University Wine Co., State College (starts 6 p.m.)

Corner Brothers at Cafe 210 West, State College (starts 6 p.m.)

Steve Ferguson at Asiago’s Tuscan Italian, Johnstown (starts 6:30 p.m.)

PletchVello at Levity Brewing Co., Altoona (starts 7 p.m.)

Alyssa Hankey at Spring Dam Brewing Co., Roaring Spring (starts 7 p.m.)

Jae Smith at Blue Knob Clubhouse, Blue Knob All Seasons Resort (starts 7 p.m.)

Coltt Winter Lepley at 9 Mile Tavern, Schellsburg (starts 7 p.m.)

Rich Casella at Dead Canary Brewing Co., Philipsburg (starts 7 p.m.)

Donny Burns Duo at Phyrst, State College (starts 7 p.m.)

Russell Wilburn at Woodside Bar & Grill, Johnstown (starts 7 p.m.)

No Xplanation at Trixie’s Pub, Johnstown (starts 7 p.m.)

Bob Clawson at Fetz’s Sports Pub, Johnstown (starts 7 p.m.)

Nick Price at Molly’s Pub, Altoona (starts 8 p.m.)

Flashpoint at Bavarian Aid Society, Altoona (starts 8 p.m.)

Adam & the Armadillos at Mount Union VFW, Mount Union (starts 8 p.m.)

Dickie & the Boys at Happy Valley Brewing Co., State College (starts 8 p.m.)

The Old Willow at Sokols Club, Lilly (starts 8 p.m.)

3D’s Acoustic at The Break Room, Twin Rocks (starts 8 p.m.)

Asher Fieni at Moonshine Mine Saloon, Nanty Glo (starts 8 p.m.)

Shallow 9 (unplugged) at Croatian Club, Smoke Run (starts 8:30 p.m.)

“Emo Night” with The Warped Band at McGarvey’s, Altoona (starts 9 p.m.)

The Rocket Blasters at The Bar, Boalsburg (starts 9 p.m.)

From The Top at Southmont Gardens, Johnstown (starts 9 p.m.)

100 Proof at Black & Gold Tavern, Altoona (starts 9:30 p.m.)

Velveeta at Cafe 210 West, State College (starts 9:30 p.m.)

Ted McCloskey & the Hi-Fi’s at Phyrst, State College (starts 10 p.m.)

Lowjack at The Brewery, State College (starts 10:30 p.m.)




Lauren & Joe at Mueller’s Pub, Blue Knob All Seasons Resort (starts 3 p.m.)

Breanna Merkle at Bella Terra Vineyards, Bedford (starts 6 p.m.)

Main Road at Olde Bedford Brewing Co., Bedford (starts 6 p.m.)

Jeff Webb at Woodside Bar & Grill, Johnstown (starts 6 p.m.)

Herb & Hanson at Westwood Bar & Grill, Johnstown (starts 6 p.m.)

“Country Music Night” with Dan Potter & Country Tradition at Alum Bank Fire Company, Alum Bank (starts 6:30 p.m.)

Marshall Neff at Spring Dam Brewing Co., Roaring Spring (starts 7 p.m.)

The Philistines at Juniata Brewing Co., Huntingdon (starts 7 p.m.)

The Kenton Sitch Band at Huntingdon Elks, Huntingdon (starts 7 p.m.)

Anchor & Arrow at Cafe 210 West, State College (starts 7 p.m.)

Bree Gearhart at Dead Canary Brewing Co., Philipsburg (starts 7 p.m.)

Asher Fieni at Sons & Daughters of Italy, Patton (starts 7 p.m.)

Devils Right Hand at Coal Country Brewing, Ebensburg (starts 7 p.m.)

Screech Owl and Riverwalk at Venue Of Merging Arts (VOMA), Johnstown (starts 7 p.m.)

Dead Flies Experiment at Stadium Pub & Grille, Johnstown (starts 7 p.m.)

Bo & Tucker Moore at Fetz’s Sports Pub, Johnstown (starts 7 p.m.)

Frequency at Trixie’s Pub, Johnstown (starts 7 p.m.)

Gabe Stillman Band at Elk Creek Cafe, Millheim (starts 7:30 p.m.)

“The Big Comedy House Bash” with Ma’aM, Phil Spector’s Gun, Domino, All Day Special and Leg at Comedy House, State College (starts 7:30 p.m.)

Flashpoint at Newburg Fire Association Social Hall, Altoona (starts 8 p.m.)

Conner Gilbert at Bavarian Aid Society, Altoona (starts 8 p.m.)

The Crooked Line at Antifragile Brewing Co., State College (starts 8 p.m.)

Chris Bell at Happy Valley Brewing Co., State College (starts 8 p.m.)

Honkytonk Medics at Pine Grove VFW, Pine Grove Mills (starts 8 p.m.)

Jimmy Mowery at The Break Room, Twin Rocks (starts 8 p.m.)

The Boomers at Windber Moose, Windber (starts 8 p.m.)

Dan Stonerook at Polish Falcons, Windber (starts 8 p.m.)

Long Road Home at Moonshine Mine Saloon, Nanty Glo (starts 8 p.m.)

The Kevin Briggs Blues Experience at McGarvey’s, Altoona (starts 9 p.m.)

Ed N’Born at Bellwood Eagles, Bellwood (starts 9 p.m.)

Avenue Of Kings at Glenn’s Place, Claysburg (starts 9 p.m.)

Chasing Karma at Breezewood VFW, Breezewood (starts 9 p.m.)

Lee Miller & Steve Solnosky at Patton Eagles, Patton (starts 9 p.m.)

Brian Nipps at Almost Home, Nanty Glo (starts 9 p.m.)

Shallow 9 at 4D’s Lounge, Altoona (starts 9:30 p.m.)

Velveeta at Doggie’s Pub, State College (starts 9:30 p.m.)

JR Mangan Band at Cafe 210 West, State College (starts 9:30 p.m.)

Lowjack at Phyrst, State College (starts 10:30 p.m.)

John Solo (John Cimino) at The Brewery, State College (starts 10:30 p.m.)

ONLINE: Servello Family livestream (Facebook, starts 7 p.m.)


SUNDAY 1/14:


“Brunch” with Charlie McClanahan at Bella Terra Vineyards, Bedford (starts 11 a.m.)

“Brunch” with Bob Clawson at Boulevard Grill, Johnstown (starts 11:30 a.m.)

“Sunday Brunch” with Jeff Gibble & Zeb Crews at Webster’s Bookstore & Cafe, State College (starts 12 noon)

“2nd Sunday Uke Jam” at ArtsAltoona Center, Altoona (starts 2 p.m.)

The One Four Fives (reunion show) at Gallitzin American Legion, Gallitzin (starts 3 p.m.)

“Tailgate Party” with Sam Lowe at Alexandria Legion, Alexandria (starts 4 p.m.)

John Tkach at Juniata Brewing Co., Huntingdon (starts 4 p.m.)

The Band OZ at Newburg Fire Association Social Hall, Altoona (starts 6 p.m.)

“Writers Round” with Eric Ian Farmer & Elizabeth Webb and The Clearys at Pine Grove Hall, Pine Grove Mills (starts 6 p.m.)

Travis Scott Utopia Tour at Bryce Jordan Center, University Park (starts 8 p.m.)

Ted & Molly at American Ale House, State College (starts 8 p.m.)

Felix & the Hurricanes at Black & Gold Tavern, Altoona (starts 9 p.m.)

“Sunday Despoes Jam” with The Desperadoes at Southmont Gardens, Johnstown (starts 9 p.m.)


MONDAY 1/15:





“Igloo/Mural Ribbon Cutting” with Coltt Winter Lepley at Bella Terra Vineyards, Bedford (music starts 5 p.m.)

“Open Mic Night” with James Grove at D’Ottavio’s Gran Sasso, Hollidaysburg (starts 8 p.m.)




Jam Night at Unter Uns Musical & Entertainment Society, Altoona (starts 7 p.m.)

Jam Night with The Frick Brothers at The Break Room, Twin Rocks (starts 7 p.m.)

Jam Night at Dively’s Tavern, Johnstown (starts 9 p.m.)




Epley, Harrison & Davis (jazz) at Pine Grove Hall, Pine Grove Mills (starts 7 p.m.)

Ma’aM (lite) at Boal City Brewing, Boalsburg (starts 7 p.m.)

Poe Valley Troubadours at Elk Creek Cafe, Millheim (starts 7 p.m.)

Anchor & Arrow at HiWay Pizza Pub West, State College (starts 8 p.m.)

Veronica Auger and special guests at Happy Valley Brewing Co., State College (starts 8 p.m.)

ONLINE: Bob Helbig Live Stream (Facebook, starts 7 p.m.)


(NOTE: More shows may be added to this list as information becomes available. Feel free to check back.)

To report additional shows or corrections to this listing, email information to Deadline to submit information for the initial posting is each Friday morning at 9 a.m.
