Wednesday 5th March 2025

Homegrown Rocker Playlist/Recap 8/27/23 (Matt Smolko)

Hello Everyone,

Here is the recap of the August 27 edition of “The Homegrown Rocker,” which airs every Sunday night from 8 to 10 PM on Q94 Classic Rock (, and from 10 PM to midnight on 107.1 and 101.3 Jack FM (!

We welcomed a musical guest into our studio this week, as Carrolltown-based singer and songwriter Matt Smolko paid us a visit! We learned about Matt and his musical career to date; discussed his music, creative process and live show; plus heard recorded songs from him – and he brought his guitar and did a few live for us as well! Along the way, we debuted new songs from Jimmy Mowery, Tim Woods, The Rusty Shackles and Mike Williamson. We also updated “Local Music News,” and dug a 2004 song from Frayed from the archive for a “Local Music Flashback” (in memory of Dave Moses, who passed on August 20). (For those who missed the program, a four-part podcast of this show is available for listening or download from Q94’s website, Click on “The Professor’s Classroom,” and then scroll down to “Homegrown Rocker Podcast” and look for the four show segments marked with the date, 082723.)

Here is this week’s playlist:


CRAWDAD JOE – “Full Of It”

THE JADED LIPS – “Jealous Eyes”

MATT SMOLKO – “Kickin’ Up Dust”

COLTT WINTER LEPLEY – “God Bless the Workin’ Man” (performed in the studio 1/10/21)

MATT SMOLKO – “On The Run”

JIMMY MOWERY – “Drink to Remember”

MATT SMOLKO – “The Water’s Edge” (performed live in the studio)

TIM WOODS – “Are You Kind?”

THE RUSTY SHACKLES – “The World We Live In”

CHRIS RATTIE – “Prisoner 743”


FELIX & THE HURRICANES – “I Just Had to Play the Blues”

CODY TYLER & GYPSY CONVOY – “One to the Heart”

MATT SMOLKO – “Callin’ for Rain” (performed live in the studio)


MATT SMOLKO – “As the Lilacs Grow” (performed live in the studio)

FRAYED – “From the Mountain” (2004, Local Music Flashback)

MATT SMOLKO – “Sunday Morning Coming Down” (performed live in the studio)


DMC DUO – “Getaway”


We will get back to the mailboxes on our next program, and catch up with numerous new local and regional recordings – meaning you will hear a whole lot of new tunes from the area music scene! We’ll again update “Local Music News,” and dig a “Local Music Flashback” from the archive! Hear the “Homegrown Rocker” this Sunday night (September 3) on Q94 Classic Rock – 94.3 FM and online at, and on 107.1 and 101.3 Jack FM, online at!

Upcoming guests and specials:




(All dates are subject to changes as circumstances warrant.)

Bands and artists wanting to submit news items for “Local Music News” may email their news to Indicate “MUSIC NEWS” in the subject heading!

Bands and artists interested in having music aired on the show are invited to send their broadcast-quality recordings to: The Homegrown Rocker, 2513 6th Avenue, Altoona, PA 16602 (ATTN: Jim Price). You can also email digital song files or inquiries about the show to And bands and musicians interested in being guests on the program can email their interest to as well!

Jim Price

In Local Music News…

Two weeks after State College Borough Council had voted to initiate an eminent domain takeover of the building that houses popular State College bar and music venue The Brewery, the Music Mart music store and Canyon Pizza, the council – facing public pressure and outcry – voted unanimously this past Monday night to repeal the resolution. A standing-room-only crowd in the Municipal Building exploded in applause when the decision to repeal the resolution became official.

Eastern Ohio-based heavy metal rockers Doctor Smoke announced that lead guitarist Steve Lehocky has decided to part ways with the group after a ten-year run to pursue other endeavors. The remaining group will continue on as a trio as they begin work on their third album. They are taking a hiatus from live performances as they transition into their new chapter of the band.

The area music scene was saddened by the passing of area musician Dave Moses on August 20. Dave fronted the heavy metal groups One Gun Salute and Frayed in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and had performed as an acoustic artist in more recent years. Dave also was involved in local theater, and played the role of “Uncle Ernie” during P&J Productions’ presentation of the rock opera “Tommy” last October at Altoona’s historic Mishler Theatre. In addition, Dave was the father of Chelsea and Stevie Moses, both who performed together in the youth rock band EVK. And Dave was the founder of his technology business, Dave Moses Technology Services, Inc. Our condolences go out to Dave’s family, friends, business and musical associates.
