Monday 10th March 2025

Altoona Residents Could be Facing Several Tax Hikes


Altoona City Council has proposed a property tax increase of 1.5 mills, and an earned income tax increase of 0.1% as part of the 2025 proposed budget.  The real estate tax increase would add $150 a year for a total bill of $713 on those properties assessed at $100,000.  The earned income tax would increase the rate for city residents to 1.7%, adding another $50, for a total of $850 a year on wages of $50,000.  In this morning’s Altoona Mirror, Councilman Dave Ellis is reported to have said the money will be invested to improve streets and sidewalks, recreational facilities and neighborhoods.  The budget for next year is about $3.5 million higher than this year’s budget, for a total of $41.7 million.  Council is expected to adopt the 2025 budget during their December 2nd meeting.
