Someone Stole a Tower . . . a 200-Foot Radio Tower
Just a few weeks ago, a radio station in Oklahoma went off the air, after thieves cut down a broadcast tower . . . just to get $100 worth of copper from the cables. But that’s NOTHING compared to THIS . . .
On Friday, a radio station in Alabama (WJLX) announced that someone had STOLEN an entire 200-FOOT STEEL TOWER. (???) Like, it’s gone, without a trace.
According to a Facebook post, the station owner said that a building was vandalized . . . every piece of equipment was stolen out of it . . . and they cut the wires to the tower, downed it, and took it from the property.
The owner doesn’t mention anything about surveillance . . . only to say that the police are investigating.
But something tells me that the thief (or thieves) WILL be tracked down . . . because SOMEONE had to see them making off with a 200-foot tower.