Wednesday 29th January 2025

Tyrone Chamber Hosts Logo Contest


The Tyrone Chamber of Commerce has launched a new committee to welcome new residents into the community, and to do that they are hosting a logo contest.  Calling on its Irish heritage, the group is looking for a logo that reflects their new slogan, “ A 1,000 Welcomes to Tyrone.”  The contest is open to all area residents, and can be submitted to the Tyrone Chamber Office no later than December 16th.  All submissions must be original artwork, and will become property of the Chamber upon submission.  It must be in a format that can be scaled up or down for various pursuits.  The committee suggests using colors identified with Tyrone including orange, black, green and gold.   A winner will be determined no later than December 20th.  You can mail, or drop off your submission to the chamber office at 1004 Logan Avenue, Tyrone.  For more information contact the chamber at 814-684-0736.
