Alexandria Ward from Farm Aid on Mental Health assistance for small family farmers
Farm Aid – Keep America Growing
Resources for Farmers – Farm Aid
or Request assistance Online by clicking THIS LINK
Alexandria Ward from Farm Aid on Mental Health assistance for small family farmers
Farm Aid – Keep America Growing
Resources for Farmers – Farm Aid
or Request assistance Online by clicking THIS LINK
From Monday, August 9, 2021 - Talk radio 98.5 WRTA, Altoona PA
Dr. Mirkin: The Latest On Covid (will be updated as new information becomes available)
Reuters: COVID-19 vaccines appear to protect patients' lungs; depression on rise among youth
Wall Street Journal: Delta Variant Was A Test - (We'll all eventually get Covid)
Dr. Mirkin will be on WRTA again Monday, September 13th 11 to Noon (ET)
Call 814-0946-0435 or email with questions
From Monday, March 27th, 2023 –
Dr. Huntington’s Work’s New Age Blog
Fed hikes rates by a quarter percentage point, indicates increases are near an end (CNBC)
Dr. Huntington will be on with us again Monday, April 24th from 2 to 3pm (ET) 814-946-0435
Wednesday, November 17th 2021 with Donna Gority and Guest Artist, musician James Grove
ArtsAltoona presents Acoustic Altoona, 7pm Saturday, November 20th, featuring music by James Grove, Nik Mik and Nate Gates, with art by Daniel Alrbight. Admission is $5, you must be 18 or over with I.D., and 21 and over can BYOB. It’s at the ArtsAltoona Center, 2212 Sixth Avenue in Altoona
James Grove Musician on Facebook