Former WRTA Talk Host (and Dave Barger's son) Scott Barger what it was like to run for Blair County Commissioner - and miss by very few votes.
From WRTA's Open Mic with Dr. John McGinnis (heard 8 to 9 weekday mornings)
Former WRTA Talk Host (and Dave Barger's son) Scott Barger what it was like to run for Blair County Commissioner - and miss by very few votes.
From WRTA's Open Mic with Dr. John McGinnis (heard 8 to 9 weekday mornings)
From Monday, November 21st 2022 -
A note of apology: Harry's voice wasn't too bad; mine is shot. Thanks, Winter weather! Thanks for your patience.
Email Harry:
Harry Rinker will be on again on Monday, December 19th, 2022 3 to 4pm (ET) – Call 814-946-0435
With ArtsAltoona's Donna Gority
The SMILE Concert is Sunday, August 22nd 2021, 2pm at the ArtsAltoona Center, 2212 6th Avenue in Altoona
ArtsAltoona Center of Facebook
Info on the ACPMP Appendix Cancer Research Center
An Update: Ms. Halbritter woke up feeling well enough to come on The 11th Hour with us that day. Not so the day of the concert. It never happened, as she was flown to Pittsburgh for emergency surgery that Saturday. She passed away September 28th, 2021. Read her obituary HERE.
In the obituary, it said in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions could be made to Mending Hearts Animal Rescue: PO Box 97, Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Gabriel Nadales is the National Director of Our America, an organization that states it's purpose as "uniting communities around a sense of pride in America, and what makes America flourish. He wrote an Opinion piece, "From Antifa to Free Speech Advocate" at the website of the group Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism