With guest Betty Burkowski of The Christopher Park Gallery
The Christopher Park Gallery Facebook Page
email Harry: HarryLRinker@aol.com
Harry's new Face Jugs:
With guest Betty Burkowski of The Christopher Park Gallery
The Christopher Park Gallery Facebook Page
email Harry: HarryLRinker@aol.com
Harry's new Face Jugs:
From Monday, December 20th 2021 - Talk Radio 98.5 -1240 WRTA, Altoona, PA - www.wrta.com
AJSN:November Jobs Report: Another Fine Month, But Without the New Positions This Time
How millions of jobless Americans can afford to ditch work
Dr. Huntington will be on with us again Monday, January 24th 2022, 3 to 4pm (ET) - 814-946-0435
From Saturday, May 27th 2023 – www.wrta.com
IMPORTANT NOTE: Harry will be "retiring" from monthly shows on WRTA, but will still stop by a couple times a year. His last regularly scheduled show will be recorded Monday, June 19th 2023 at 2 to 2:45pm (ET)
Call in at 814-946-0435
Email Harry: harrylrinker@aol.com
Email Doug at doug@lightnerradio.com