From October 18th, 2021
Rinker on Collectibles: Who Would You Like to Meet?
Harry's email:
Harry Rinker will be on with us again Monday, November 15th, 3 to 4pm (ET) - Call 814-946-0435
From October 18th, 2021
Rinker on Collectibles: Who Would You Like to Meet?
Harry's email:
Harry Rinker will be on with us again Monday, November 15th, 3 to 4pm (ET) - Call 814-946-0435
VETERANS HISTORY PROJECT D-DAY ANNIVERSARY with Travis Bickford, Program Coordinator, Veterans History Project
The Veterans History Project on Facebook
From Wednesday, December 7th 2022 - - with ArtsAltoona President, Donna Gority
and guest artists and Founders and Directors of Miracle Productions at St. Luke's, Marilyn & Woody Pyeatt
Miracle Productions at St. Luke’s Church presents an Altoona-inspired production of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” Thursday December 8th through the 10th at 7:30, and 2pm Sunday the 11th. Cost is $15 for adults, $8 for children. Ticket includes dessert and beverage. Available at the door or at Thompson’s Pharmacy on Chestnut and Hollidaysburg, and proceeds support St. Luke’s Food Pantry. The church is on 8th Avenue between 12th and 13th Streets ( 806 13th Street) in Altoona
St. Luke's Episcopal Church Food Pantry
has distributions at the church the second Thursday of each month from 2 to 5:30pm & a Free Community Meal the second Wednesday of each month at Noon
Miracle Productions at St. Luke's on Facebook
St. Luke's Episcopal Church online
ArtsAltoona Center on Facebook
From Monday, February 20th 2023 –
Chuck's Photo:
The Clarkster's Soviet-era dish:
Harry Rinker will be on with us again Monday, March 20th 2023 from 3 to 4pm (ET) – Call in at 814-946-0435
Email Harry:
Email Doug at