From Wednesday, August 3rd 2022 - with guest cohost Barry Ickes
Greg Teufel is a Pennsylvania election attorney representing 14 PA members of the House of Representatives who brought the lawsuit contending the law is not constitutional.
From Wednesday, August 3rd 2022 - with guest cohost Barry Ickes
Greg Teufel is a Pennsylvania election attorney representing 14 PA members of the House of Representatives who brought the lawsuit contending the law is not constitutional.
From Saturday, August 19th 2023 –
Dr. Gabe Mirkin on Fitness & Health on Facebook
First Pill for Postpartum Depression Approved
Pfizer Lyme Disease Vaccine Trial
Obesity pill may work as well as shots
A “Normal” BMI Can Miss The Harmful Effects of Excess Body Fat
Sinead O’Connor and Mental Illness
Dr. Mirkin will be recording with us again Monday, September 11th from 2 to 2:45pm (ET) – Call 814-946-0435 or email That program will air Saturday, September 16th from Noon to 1.
From September 28th, 2024 – Liesl Kapfhammer – Marketing Manager ARC Federal Credit Union - "Maintaining Your Credit Score"
1919 7th Ave Altoona, PA 16602
419 N. 7th St Altoona, PA 16601
814-946-0857 ext. 154
ARC Federal Credit Union website
ARC Federal Credit Union Facebook
College Plainning 101 Seminar October 16th at Bishop Guilfoyle
ARC Federal Credit Union “Money Matters” will be on the fourth Saturday of each month from Noon to 12:30 on WRTA Weekend with Doug Herendeen
From Saturday, February 15th, 2025
Walt Young's column appears three times a month in the weekend edition of the Altoona Mirror
The 18th Annual Wild Game Feast will be Saturday, March 15th at Altoona Alliance Church. Doors open at 4; Dinner starts at 5.
Special Guest Speaker is Jim "The BearMan" VanSteenhouse. Donation is $20, and tickets are available by calling 814-944-0171 or at the church, 3220 Pleasant Valley Blvd in Altoona.
Click HERE for TheBearMan's website