Walt Young’s column appears 3 times a month in the weekend Altoona Mirror
Walt Young’s column appears 3 times a month in the weekend Altoona Mirror
The article we mentioned: The Sports World’s Approach to Gen Z and How It Related to the Collecting
Harry's email is harrylrinker@aol.com
From Monday, June 27th 2022
Artificial Intelligence and Robots Keep Progressing, Like It or Not
Dr. Huntington will be on with us again Monday, July 25th, 3 to 4pm (ET) - Call 814-946-0435
Wednesday, November 17th 2021 with Donna Gority and Guest Artist, musician James Grove
ArtsAltoona presents Acoustic Altoona, 7pm Saturday, November 20th, featuring music by James Grove, Nik Mik and Nate Gates, with art by Daniel Alrbight. Admission is $5, you must be 18 or over with I.D., and 21 and over can BYOB. It’s at the ArtsAltoona Center, 2212 Sixth Avenue in Altoona
James Grove Musician on Facebook